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Düsseldorf Institute for Philosophy of Public Affairs

Welcome to the IPPA!

The goal of the Düsseldorf Institute for Philosophy of Public Affairs (IPPA) is to foster the exchange of diverse perspectives on the philosophy of political and economic actions, transcending the boundaries of their respective disciplines.

At IPPA, research activities from both practical and theoretical philosophy are integrated, proving particularly relevant in the context of economic and political decision-making. This enables the examination of current research questions within an interdisciplinary framework and facilitates the incorporation of these findings into the teaching of respective sub-disciplines.

Furthermore, IPPA considers it a part of its mission to enhance collaboration with pertinent stakeholders—both companies and political institutions on one hand, and citizens on the other—in exploring and evaluating political and economic decision-making processes. This initiative aims to establish a framework for exchanging ideas about the objectives of political and economic actions, as well as presenting and discussing research results.

We look forward to engaging with you in this exchange!

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